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October Key Tax Dates

Newsletter issue – October 2022

1 -Corporation Tax payment 31 December 2021 year-end

5 -Deadline to notify HMRC of 2021/22 tax liability where returns are not currently submitted.

A penalty can be avoided if the tax owed is paid no later than 31?January 2023.

7 - Electronic VAT return and payment due for the VAT quarter ended 30 August 2022.

19 - CIS return for payments made to subcontractors in the month to5 October 2022

22-PAYE, NIC, and CIS payment (electronic): month-end 5 October 2022

31-Corporation Tax returns submission: 31 October 2021 year ends

All paper-based Self-Assessment 2021/22 Tax Returns must be received by HMRC.

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